Biały owczarek Szwajcarski - White Swiss Shepherd dog |
Opinia: Zgadzam się z jego historią i też uważam, że biały gatunek psa, który kiedyś był rzadki powinien być traktowany z szacunkiem i na szczęście powrócił do swojego kraju. Przechodząc do spraw praktycznych to tak:
Usposobienie: Biały owczarek jest odważny, ale nie agresywny, pełen temperamentu i
zapału do pracy, szybko uczący się nawet skomplikowanych zadań. Jest
spokojny i pewny siebie, a w stosunku do obcych zachowuje dystans.
Wierny wobec jednego pana, czujny i bystry. Uchodzi za psa bardziej
zrównoważonego niż owczarek niemiecki, ale i znacznie bardziej
wrażliwego na stosowanie kar w procesie wychowania.
Waga: 30–40 kg (pies), 25–35 kg (suka).
Źródło:internet i książki o psach(w tym gazetki od wiarygodnych firm)
English Version:
History: A white Swiss Shepherd,
until recently called a White Shepherd or a white American Shepherd, has long
waited to earn recognition on the old continent, from where its lineage
originates. He used to be a white German shepherd. White is an ancient coat of
sheep and shepherd dogs existed before the breeding of pure German shepherd
breeding, but also in white litters puppies. In the 1930s, the Germans denied
this color to respect the breed, and in 1968 sentenced the white sheepdog to
banishment. The result was his disappearance from Europe. However, it was not
treated everywhere. In the United States and Canada, the white color has been
preserved and isolated. The White Shepherd returned to the old continent in
1971, first to Denmark, then to Switzerland, and finally to the homeland that
had been abolished in the 1980. Over the years of selection behind the
Atlantic, white sheepdogs have evolved as a separate breed. Prior to the
official recognition by the FCI on January 1, 2003, many European countries,
beginning with Switzerland, accepted the race by typing it into their
Opinion: I agree with his story and
I also think that the white dog breed that was once rare should be treated with
respect and fortunately returned to his country. Moving on to practical issues
is like this:
Layout: White sheepdog is brave, but not aggressive, full of temperament
and zeal to work, quickly learning even complicated tasks. She is calm and
confident and strangers keep distance. Faithful to one master, alert and alert.
She is considered a more balanced dog than German Shepherd, but also much more
sensitive to the use of penalties in the process of upbringing.
Height: 60-66 cm (dog), 55-61 cm ("girl").
Weight: 30-40 kg (dog), 25-35 kg ("girl").
Thank you!!!
Source: internet and dog books (including newsletters from reliable
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